What we believe
  • We believe Scripture is the inspired, authoritative Word of God, inerrant in its original revelation and infallible in its trustworthiness throughout time.

  • We believe in a triune God who exists in three distinct persons as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Each have separate roles, yet all exist and function together as one eternal and equal Godhead.

  • We believe that God the Father created all things. He created people as male and female in His image thereby establishing the sanctity of all human life. He instituted the covenant of marriage between a man and a woman.

  • We believe Jesus Christ came to earth and took on flesh by divine conception. He was fully God and fully human, living a life without sin.

  • We believe that because of original sin, all people are sinners. Jesus died on the cross as our substitute to pay for our sin, and is the only source of salvation.

  • We believe that Jesus bodily rose from the dead and ascended to the Father. He will return for final judgment of all people, and establish the new heaven and earth.

  • We believe God initiates salvation by the work of the Holy Spirit, who brings us to spiritual life and creates faith in Christ.

  • We believe the Church is the body of Christ and exists to proclaim and teach God’s Word, and to nurture the faith and gifts of Christ’s followers through the ministry of the Holy Spirit.

  • We believe that Christ has instituted two sacraments: Baptism and the Lord’s Supper to equip and sustain the faith of God’s people.